Diagrama de temas

  • "Bringing Together the Best of Online to Learning"

    This year’s CALMet XIV was kindly hosted by Servicio Meteorológico Nacional and was supposed to take place at SMN in Argentina. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide travel restriction threw a spanner in the works and we have chosen to organize this conference in a fully virtual environment with a 'flipped-learning' approach. This meant that all conference material was available for the participants to explore from the 14th of September but due to  the migration to WMO Moodle platform, the welcome announcement reached all participants not until the 24th of September. During the Conference week, Monday 27 September to Friday 1st of October 2021, we hosted a limited amount of time in the live plenary sessions format and had asynchronous forums and online opportunities for social interactions with the help of Wonder.

    The outreach of this conference was enormous compared to previous CALMet Conferences. During this conference, 259 people from 55 countries logged into our Conference Moodle environment and took part in the programme, which was based on overarching pedagogical themes. The programme was grouped as follows:

    •          Switch classroom to online training

    •          Multilingual teaching

    •          Climate Services

    •          Simulators

    •          Observations

    •          Forecasting extreme weather

    •          Educational topics