WMO Marine Services Course - Phase-I Template
Topic outline
Welcome! You are about to begin a course that will help you improve your marine services. During this course, you will be taking a close look at how your organization currently delivers marine services. You will be asked to compare aspects of your services with WMO guidelines and to learn more about the users of your services, your customers. Through these activities, you will be collecting information for developing a Marine Service Delivery Context Analysis. This analysis can then be used to help improve your marine service offerings in order to provide timely, customer-centric information that conforms to international standards and helps protect property and safety of life at sea.
This forum is for instructors to post announcements and reminders and for participants to post general questions about the course. All participants are subscribed to this forum and will receive an email whenever there is a new post.
An overview of the course content and what to expect while participating in this course.
A brief overview of how to navigate the course site.
Instructions on downloading and using the Moodle App for offline use.
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