2.3.2 Collaborative writing using Glossary

1. Introduction

Glossary is a tool that you can use in many different ways but it's main objective is to create online dictionary for special purposes such as satellite meteorology or aviation meteorology. You can use it also to create a space for sharing past exam questions or even creating new exam questions. 

It is possible to create only one Main Glossary and many Secondary Glossaries at the course level. Entries from Secondary Glossaries are shown up in the Main Glossary. However, on your course you can have only Secondary Glossaries. There is no need to create Main Glossary if there is no purpose for it. 

Moreover there are some features that can help you to make creating Glossary more active:

  • You can decide whether only teachers can add entries to Glossary or you can allow students to do it. If you choose the second way it can be some kind of activity for them. To make this tool more interactive you can allow adding comments or rating and grading entries.
  • You can also choose whether entries can be edited or not. By default students have only 30 minutes to change entries but you can allow them to modify entries any time they want. 
  • Adding entries is approved by default. However you can change it and entries will be visible for everybody only after teacher approval. It is useful feature if you ask students to create e.g. question bank. Then you can choose the best questions and pick them for an exam. 

It is possible to use Glossary also for learning purposes. You can add a block Random glossary entry on the main course page and than choose if entries will appear randomly or in order (last modified entry, next entry, alphabetical order). You can change the location of this block to make it more visible for students e.g. somewhere on the top of the course page.