Using Choice to stimulate discussion

How to set up a choice

You can add a Choice by clicking an 'Add an activity or resource' link (or, if not present, the "Add an activity" drop down menu) and selecting Choice.

As often in Moodle, you have to give a name, and can choose the availability, restrict access and activity completion settings for your Choice activity.

The description box is the place where you ask the question or expose the issue to be solved.

You then have different options to display the possible answers to choose between. You can display them horizontally or vertically, and you can allow students to change their minds or not. They can be allowed to choose only one answer or several of them.

Then, you can choose whether students will see the results or if only teachers will be allowed to see them. Think carefully about whether (and how) you wish student to see the responses. 'Publish' simply means 'display to students'.

More information on Choice settings can be found on Moodle docs website: Choice Settings.

Moodle Learn also offers a video on Choice.