Using Choice to stimulate discussion

What is a choice in Moodle?

The Choice activity allows you to ask a question and set up buttons which learners can click to make a selection from a number of possible responses. They can choose one or more options and they can update their selection if you allow them. Choices can be useful as quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic, to allow the class to vote on a direction for the course, or to gauge progress.

You can write text questions, but also add images, podcasts and videos.

Choice is a secure way to gauge understanding of a topic without asking students in public. The teacher  will only see their response. You may also wish to allow them to update their choice, to show progression in their understanding and confidence.

A choice with only one option may serve as an attendance record or a course contract.

It can also be used to select a project in a list and prepare for grouping students.

As a teacher you can always see the results, but you can also choose whether or not to allow learners to see each others' choices and whether or not to allow them to see the names or merely the percentage of votes. You can download their responses in a variety of formats. Responses may be 'published', made visible, once the learner has made a selection, or visible once the choice is closed. Choice options may be restricted so only a certain number may make a particular selection, and you can also opt to display a column showing who has not made their selection.