2.2.1 Working with files

3. Instruction

3.1. Uploading Files - Drag and Drop

Let's say we want to add a pdf file to our course. In this case I'm going to add it to my Meteo Bookie book. I have turned on editing and can add an activity or resource to my Book.

My Meteo Bookie

Clicking on Add an activity or resource opens a popup window. Choose File and click Add.

Add a file

Now simply drag the file from your computer File Explorer/Finder to the Drop files here to upload box on your Moodle page.

drag and drop your file

Once uploaded the file appears in the Files box.

Files box with your file displayed

Click Save and return to course or Save and display to see the file in your course

Save and return to course returns you to the page where you added your resource. You are still in editing mode. 

Save and display takes you to a page which allows you to update or view the file.