Finding Training Resources in Meteorology and Hydrology

Site: WMO Education and Training Programme
Course: Trainer Resources Portal (English)
Book: Finding Training Resources in Meteorology and Hydrology
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Date: Monday, 22 July 2024, 1:35 PM


If you need some raw resources to help develop your sequence, the resources here could provide them. 

1. MetEd (from the COMET Program)

MetEd is a collection of open educational resources developed with funding from national meteorological and geoscience agencies from around the world. The site has the functionality of a learning management system with various tools to help the user keep track of and share their learning. Most resources on the site are freely available for reuse for non-commercial, educational use.

This short video provides an overview of the MetEd website

2. COMET/MetEd Review of Aeronautical Meteorology

The resources in this Review of Aeronautical Meteorology course are being offered by The COMET® Program to serve the continuing education needs of aeronautical forecasters around the world. They total over 60 hours of training. The modules and module sections listed in the Course Outline have been chosen as the most useful materials COMET offers for aeronautical forecasting training needs. Many additional modules from the MetEd Website may be useful for individual forecasters, depending on their geographic locations, degree of forecasting experience, and current level of hydrometeorological education. air traffic controller image

3. EUMeTrain Training Resources

EUMeTrain is an international training project sponsored by EUMETSAT to support and increase the use of meteorlogical satellite data. Watch the introduction below to learn more about the repository of the EUMeTrain project.

4. EUMETSAT Training Library

Helping people interpreting and using satellite data is an integral part of the work of EUMETSAT. These freely available training materials are for anyone wishing to learn more.



The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) learning programme covers numerical weather prediction and the use of the Centre’s computer facilities and forecast products. Training resources are available to download from

ECMWF home page

6. VISIT Training Sessions

A collection of recorded training sessions from 20 years of VISIT.

VISIT training


An excellent collection of short training modules on satellite applications.

Sport training image

8. WMO Global Campus eLibrary

 A new growing collection of open educational resources hosted by WMO.

Global Campus library

9. Melbourn VLab CoE Regional Focus Group Recordings

BoM Vlab training