Using Feedback Module

Site: WMO Education and Training Programme
Course: Calmet Moodle Unit 4 - Design opportunities for practice and assessment
Book: Using Feedback Module
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Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 6:24 AM

1. Feedback versus Survey or Quiz

The Feedback module allows you to create and conduct surveys to collect feedback. Unlike the Survey tool, it allows you to write your own questions, rather than choose from a list of pre-written questions. And unlike the Quiz tool, you can create non-graded questions. The Feedback activity is ideal for course or teacher evaluations, but it can also be used for practice and assessment, in conjunction with other tools.

For example, you could use Feedback with open ended and closed questions during a simulation exercise.

Also, Feedback could be used to answer questions during a problem-based learning activity.

2. Setting Up a Feedback

Click the "Add an activity or resource" link (or, if not present, the "Add an activity" drop down menu) and choose Feedback. All settings may expanded by clicking the "Expand all" link top right.

As in most of Moodle activities, you have to choose a name, describe the activity and choose to show the description on the course page. You can also choose how this module will behave: you can decide whether answers will be anonymous, how many times a student could take the feedback, whether you will receive a notification when users answer a feedback, how long the feedback will be available and which conditions must be met in order to mark this activity as complete.
You can also decide whether the results of this feedback will be shown to students or only to teachers. This is important, depending on the objective of this activity (whether it is used for practice or for formal assessment).

3. Building questions for a feedback

Once your Feedback activity is created, you have to add questions. Add questions by clicking the Edit questions tab and selecting the type of question from the drop down list. Add your question details and click 'Save question'. The most typical types of questions used are:  

— Short Text Answer: this option lets you specify a single line answer, with an input box which is a set number of characters long (you choose). You also specify the maximum number of characters you will accept, so that the answer is not too long and/or does not run over the length of the box on screen.
Longer Text Answer: create a text box for students to write a long answer.
Multiple choice: selecting this offers you three alternatives:
(1) Multiple choice single answer. This will give you a series of radio buttons, which starts on 'Not selected' and then has your options afterwards. Only one can be chosen and 'Not selected' is a valid answer if the question is not set to 'required'.
(2) Multiple choice, multiple answers
(3) Multiple choice - single answer allowed (drop-down list) This type will give you a drop-down list from which only one answer can be selected.

— Label: like a standard Moodle label, this allows you to add arbitrary text between questions allowing for extra explanation or to divide the Feedback into sections.

More specific to feedback, you can add: Information (which allows you to choose to display the course and/ or the category where the feedback is located), a Captcha if your site is spammed and you want to make sure a real person is filling in the form, and also add numerical options to your questions, like giving different weights to answers in multiple choice or drop-down lists.

Also, you can add Dependence item and Dependence value, so that you redirect the user to specific questions depending on a previous answer. For example, if they say 'Yes' to a question they will be directed to a different question from if they answer 'No'.

When using Feedback during practice, you could use dependencies to drive your learners through learning, depending on their answers to previous questions.

For more details on building a feedback, see the Moodle docs webpage on this topic.